I crave your lips, your scent, your company
The moonbeam radiates through the cracks of your skin.
I crave your lips, your scent, your company.
Starving, I prowl these empty streets, tonight.
Hungry for your sleek laugh,
your measured pretty pace,
the liquid sway of your hips as you prance toward
and away from me..
I want to eat the pale canvass of your nose
down to your chin.
I'm flaring with the need for your unrefuted skin.
I'll eat you whole, skin and bones,
like a savage and your lover.
Like a lover of the the moon meeting head-on
with your hot heart..
I'm a satiated beggar filled with your grace.
I'm a lowly painter under the arrogance of your face.
I'm a wretched soul on the brink of your mercy.
I crave your lips, your scent, your company.