Wednesday 3 July 2024

Are You Real?!

Used to think infatuation was the end,
another scrap of paper and,
another bleeding pen, but...
when you like and,
you're liked,
what's the next step?

Along the way I lost myself,
between frayed edges,
concepts and dreams,
the idea that I would always go wrong
But what if this story
went amiss,
what if your attraction was real and not another broken promise?
What if I drowned out this sorrow
with alcohol and smoke,
what if I lost myself inside a broken book?
What if I was wrong and you were all it took...

I've got the notion that
you're more real than the others,
but you disarm me with a smile and I
forget where we were going

Did we have a specific purpose,
beneath the enchantment and delusion,
or did I make you up,
You're so amazing are you really even

Am I dreaming or am I dying?
are you real or is my mind lying?

Monday 17 June 2024

Little Announcement

 It's been a while since I wrote and since I even posted. I haven't had much inspiration, but that all changed recently. There's a new muse, and yeah she's inspired me back into writing. 

Monday 2 May 2016

Learning To Walk & Fly

Experiencing distance travelled 
making stronger the commitment 
this glue 
the bond holding 
happiness in place 

Like lovers entwined in friendship 
me and you 
Always to be smiling 
when walking hand in hand.

I've allowed some fluttering 
my ground is weakened I say 
though you'd throw that out of 
loves court 
marked as case dismissed 
Your free to go 

So yes I'll flutter 
It's what I do 
And you being you 
You being you 
smoothing out my plumage 
Encapsulating the moment perfectly 
along with the fears before 
being thrown far far away 

Till only the fluttering of love 
Seen heard and wanted as we 
both learn to fly once more.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

More every single time!

Every time I see you
You're always more beautiful
With an extra glow in your smile
And even more depth in your eyes

(I still fall into them every time.)

After we embraced and parted to leave
I kept turning around to sneak a peek
Of your absolutely incredible body
And I caught you turning to look back at me

And my heart beated faster
And harder
And warmer than ever
It's dancing right now
Just at the memory
And at the prospect
Of seeing you.

Sunday 17 May 2015

An ode to that kind of Beauty

She’s beautiful, 
that fun kind of beauty. 
The kind of beauty that drags me laughing by her side 
a 9-volt battery to my tongue. 
Blonde, brunette, or whatever who cares what fucking colour 
for I feel she brings them all out with ease. 
How can I refuse 
that kind of pulse 
that finds my own. 
That sync, 
And sweet unsuspecting syncopation 

to a something I really want 
to get to know. 
That kind of beauty 
needs to be explored. 

So I'll stop. 

Hear her heart 
Shut out the noise 

Take her hand. 
and just...


her be.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Tale of Once upon a time

Tale of Once upon a time   
There was a woman that caught my eye   
We spent the day exchanging phrases   
Words aligned like old familiar faces   
We came to find that space and time   
Did not exist between our lips   
I knew hers and she knew mine   
We kissed;   
Both meeting of the mind and lips   
And as we intertwined   
Our lines began to shift   
To find an unexpected twist   
In this; our once upon a time   
Two parts a drift   
Two halves that fit   
My brokenness is part of her   
The part that makes her whole again  
Her brokenness is half of me   
The half I need to be complete   
Two parts a drift   
Two halves that fit   
She is mine and I am hers   
This isn't where the story ends   
This is where it all begins   
Once upon a time   
Two halves a drift and then collide   
Now I am hers and she is mine

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Woman Behind A Mask

Her silky deception 
pulls seductively 
words of truest devotion, 
words I yearn to hear 

As I step through 
black ink swallows me,
grotesque trap she has laid 
soul drains, turning hollow 

A haunting melody plays through my soul 
"Hey you, lost one, show me the way" 
how can I show you out 
when I am her prey?

To the woman in the mask 
who pretends she is nice 
behind slammed doors, 
facade falls, heart of ice 

Woe me at first 
you do it so well, 
loosen my reins of control 
welcome to my hell 

Dejavu forever slams my chest 
dance of ancient times
when she pulls off the mask...
The demon whispers: "you are mine"

Friday 20 February 2015

Back To Track Number Four

You are my foundation of chaotic thought 
The legitimate cause of my disquiet 
And I haven’t decided yet whether this is a bright day 
Or rains that intend to plant forests in my lungs. 

You’ve moved over my chest 
Leaving train tracks in your wake. 
Where are you going? 
Has my right rib told you about the 
Conundrum of my heart or not? 
Because that station hasn’t been open for service ever, 
No-vacancy signs are imbedded in my hands 
And I’m so sorry you were previously injured...trying, to unhinge the gates keeping you out. 

I had heard once that it was in the nature of stars to cross 
And I’d wonder sometimes what other shapes that burden takes 
Her face used to come to mind, 
But somewheresomehowsomeway, your face imposed right over hers 
This wasn’t supposed to be a poem about you 
This wasn’t supposed to be an honest opening  
But I can’t stop whispering 
I love you 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Shall We?

Shall we end this war tonight, 

This cold battle of silence between us?


Shall we boldly unroll our banners of surrender in gentler breezes for which we both long to breathe? 

No words are more strong than those spoken in hunger 

by proud, starving mouths of wounded eagles. 


No soldier has ever regarded my scars with disdain. 

Likewise I will hold no blade to your own. 

Every star that bleeds from your stigmata is a guiding light to your cross so I might help you bear it. 


Shall we discuss the importance, yes, the human need 

to replace bad memories in the wake of good ones? 

With words unspoken, we will never be open, unless we...

Take our bloodied bandages and turn them into flags of glory. 

Take shrapnel from the soul and create a solid ring of love. 

I've never believed in heaven, but it feels like I'm close when I'm with you.


Not all angels speak with the same tongue of flame. 

Teach me your language so I may understand 

just where you’ve been, where you wish to go, 

and spread fires of passion as I speak to your skin. 

Destroying each fibre you hide from me,to repair the parts you lost in battle. 


Sleep if you must when the night’s yawn grows. 

You’ve earned your peace and soft nightingale is near 

to sing in your ear her secrets as you dream. 

Filled with clarity...

I will be here to  protect your dreams in the evening,  

& guard your hopes in the morning. 


When breaks the dawn shall we hike to open field 

where stretches an oak from which two lovers once hung? 

A resemblance that one can love and lose.

The woman took her life when he went off to war. 

He returned years later and in grief did the same. 

The pain consumed him as the realisation, that the love he once had will never be found again.


Shall we turn a new leaf on that same old branch 

as I take you to heart and lay every secret,

Breaking down the walls which condemn us, to see the good in people.

Unknown to the night, making love in stark light, 

to your scars and your birthmarks beneath the aged tree? 

Shall we carve our name on the tree so we can return at a later time in life? 

Just to try this love thing again.


If your answer be a most heartfelt "yes", 

so I with honour agree. 


Shall we begin?

Will This Last?

Can you tell me are we meant to be or is it just wishful thinking? 
Loving you can be such a struggle, but also a beautiful experience. 
I love you, I don't want you to leave me here alone with my fears, 
Hear my thoughts and just know I don't want you to go. 
Anytime you needed me I'd promise I'd be there. 
Tell me will this be you and me or will it only just be me? 

Will it last?
Will this last or are you soon doomed to be just part of my past?
Haven't seen you in a while; 
I fall into a short trial of depression every time you leave me be 
I can't see myself without you in my life 
I no longer feel so empty and hollow, 
I could never follow for you gave me the confidence to lead the way 
You'd never say you hate me, would you? 
Tell me will this be you and me or will it only just be me?

I won't ever give up on you, I love you and I promise I'll do my best to keep you satisfied. 
I've never lied to you nor have I ever deceived you. 
Believe me, I do love you. 
Yes I do, love you. 
I just have this one question for you, 
Will this last?